
wallnut trees as a canopy in food forest


Title: Coexistence in the Forest: Understanding the Relationship between Walnut Trees and Other Plants Introduction: In the worl...

Title: Coexistence in the Forest: Understanding the Relationship between Walnut Trees and Other Plants


In the world of horticulture, the walnut tree is often regarded as a challenging species to incorporate into food forests due to the release of juglone, a toxin that can harm surrounding plants. However, it is important to note that not all plants are susceptible to the negative effects of juglone. In this article, we will explore the complex relationship between walnut trees and other plant species, shedding light on both those that are sensitive to juglone and those that can thrive alongside this formidable tree. 

Understanding Juglone:

Juglone, a toxic substance secreted by members of the family Juglandaceae, including the black walnut tree, poses challenges to neighboring plants. Symptoms of juglone poisoning include wilting, yellowing leaves, and potential death. It has been known as a prominent issue since the mid-1800s. However, it is crucial to note that juglone decomposes within four months in an aerobic environment, rendering it harmless. Thus, caution should be exercised when using compost or mulch containing members of the Juglandaceae family to ensure proper aging before utilizing them around young transplants or in seed beds. 

Sensitive Plant Species:

While many plants can coexist peacefully with walnut trees, some are more susceptible to juglone poisoning than others. These include apples, asparagus, brassicas (cabbage, mustard, pak choi), chrysanthemums, columbines, hydrangeas, narcissus, peonies, pinaceate trees and shrubs (fir, larch, pine, spruce, true cedars), rhubarb, solanaceous plants (eggplant, peppers, potatoes, tomatoes), and true lilies. However, it is important to remember that susceptibility to juglone does not necessarily exclude these plants from being successfully interplanted with the Juglandaceae family. Examples exist where some of these sensitive plants have thrived in the shade of pecan trees without issue.

Compatible Plant Species:

On the other hand, there are numerous plant species that can tolerate growing in close proximity to black walnut trees without succumbing to juglone poisoning. Some of these include alliums (garlic, leeks, onions, ramps, shallots), apricots, asters (all members of the Asteraceae family), beans, bee balm (monarda), bell flower (campanulas), cherries, clover, corn, crocus, currants, daylilies, dogwoods, elderberries, ferns, hawthorn, hazelnut, hibiscus, hollies (all members of the Ilex genus), hostas, ipomoea (sweet potatoes), junipers, maples (except silver maple), oaks, pawpaws, peaches, pears, persimmons, plums, redbud (cercis genus), sassafras, serviceberry (saskatoon), spicebush, spiderwort, squash (all cucurbits), sumacs, and yarrow. This is not an exhaustive list, but it highlights the abundance of compatible species that can coexist alongside black walnut trees in a food forest.


While the presence of juglone may have earned the walnut tree a reputation for being a challenging neighbor, it is important to understand that there are various plant species that can thrive in its proximity. By recognizing the plants that are more susceptible to juglone poisoning and those that can coexist harmoniously, it becomes possible to create a diverse and thriving ecosystem, even within the presence of walnut trees. With a well-informed approach, incorporating a walnut tree into a food forest can yield fruitful results.

Başlık: Ormanda Birlikte Varoluş: Ceviz Ağaçları ve Diğer Bitkiler Arasındaki İlişkiyi Anlamak


Bahçecilik dünyasında ceviz ağacı, çevresindeki bitkilere zarar verebilecek bir toksin olan juglon salınımı nedeniyle genellikle gıda ormanlarına dahil edilmesi zor bir tür olarak kabul edilir. Ancak, tüm bitkilerin juglonun olumsuz etkilerine karşı duyarlı olmadığını belirtmek önemlidir. Bu makalede, ceviz ağaçları ve diğer bitki türleri arasındaki karmaşık ilişkiyi inceleyerek, hem juglona duyarlı olanlara hem de bu zorlu ağacın yanında gelişebilenlere ışık tutacağız. 

Juglone'u Anlamak:

Siyah ceviz ağacı da dahil olmak üzere Juglandaceae familyası üyeleri tarafından salgılanan toksik bir madde olan juglon, komşu bitkiler için zorluklar yaratır. Juglon zehirlenmesinin belirtileri arasında solgunluk, sararan yapraklar ve potansiyel ölüm yer alır. 1800'lerin ortalarından beri önemli bir sorun olarak bilinmektedir. Bununla birlikte, juglonun aerobik bir ortamda dört ay içinde ayrışarak zararsız hale geldiğini belirtmek çok önemlidir. Bu nedenle, Juglandaceae ailesinin üyelerini içeren kompost veya malç kullanırken, genç nakillerin etrafında veya tohum yataklarında kullanmadan önce uygun yaşlanmayı sağlamak için dikkatli olunmalıdır. 

Hassas Bitki Türleri:

Birçok bitki ceviz ağaçlarıyla barış içinde bir arada yaşayabilirken, bazıları juglon zehirlenmesine diğerlerinden daha duyarlıdır. Bunlar arasında elma, kuşkonmaz, brassicas (lahana, hardal, pak choi) sayılabilir, 



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Sacred Canyon Camp Academy / We design the Future: wallnut trees as a canopy in food forest
wallnut trees as a canopy in food forest
Sacred Canyon Camp Academy / We design the Future
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